Thursday, February 9, 2012

Khloe Has Some Wedding Advice For Kim!

Wow! This is some pretty sound advice!
Now that Kim Kardashian is getting ready to strut her assets down the aisle to tie the knot with Kris Humphries this weekend, her sister and co-star, the already-married Khloe, has some pointers to help garauntee her the best, most romantic day possible!
She advises:
"It's not about having everything [...]

This is what we like to hear!

We've just learned that the State Bar of Florida has started up an investigation of Casey Anthony's lawyer Jose Baez for "possible ethical violations," such as "hiding information from the court."

The investigation stems from Casey's check fraud conviction in 2010. She was given one year's probation, and was told by the judge that time she spent in jail before her murder trial would NOT count towards her probation time.

Unfortunately, the judge accidentally wrote on Casey's probation order that her jail time WOULD count toward probation time, and Baez didn't make any effort to check in with the judge about the mistake.

Here's what the Chief Judge of the court had to say about it:

"Our system of justice should never be in the position of rewarding someone who willfully hides the ball. "[Baez may have violated] an attorney's duty of candor."

Baez has admitted that he knew about the error, but he says he "felt no obligation" to say anything about it.

Why are we NOT surprised that Casey Anthony's lawyer would do something unethical????

We hope he gets properly punished for his actions!

[Image via AP Images.]

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